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Promote your products and services directly to principals, school leaders and decision-makers across Australia’s schools.

List your business on our directory and gain access to a dedicated audience of school leaders who regularly use Teaching Jobs to post and find job opportunities.

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$888 per month + GST

Monthly subscription of $888.

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  • List your business in minutes
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$9,057 per year + GST

Yearly subscription of $9,057 per year.

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  • List your business in minutes
  • Save over $1,598 per year
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Australia’s Largest Database of School Decision Makers

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School partners
Potential leads for your business
school partners
School professionals looking for jobs
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Professionally qualified decision makers

Targeted Email Campaigns

Directly reach school decision-makers by sending targeted email campaigns that showcase your products and services. Increase visibility and engagement with the right audience, driving interest and sales.

Precision Advertising

Reach the exact audience you need by leveraging precision advertising on our platform. Use programmatic ads, retargeting, and our vast network to ensure your message hits the mark with school leaders and decision-makers.

Elite teaching Talent

Prominent Directory Listings

Ensure your business stands out with a prominent listing in our supplier directory. Gain top visibility among school principals and administrators, driving awareness and sales for your products or services.

#1 Job Board for for ALL Teaching Jobs

Promote your business on Teaching Jobs to gain access to thousands of potential leads. List your business on our directory and gain access to a dedicated audience of school leaders who regularly use Teaching Jobs to post and find job opportunities.