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The average time to Post a Job and fill out a form on the major Job Seeking platforms is 9 min or more.
With TeachingJobs we make your life easier and save you time by…
- Reducing Job Posting times to seconds rather than minutes
- We do the heavy lifting for you (just provide a link to the post)

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#1 Job Board for for ALL Teaching Jobs
Teaching Jobs doesn't just find teachers, we specialize in finding the best candidates for Admin/Support roles in schools, principal positions and HR specialists
Australia's Leading Teaching Job Board
Connect with Australia's top teaching talent on the No. 1 teaching Job Board. Posting jobs is simple and affordable, targeting Australia's best candidates. We specialize in matching premier teaching professionals with your specific needs, ensuring you find the right talent every time.
Customer Service with AI Recruitment
Revolutionize your hiring process with Teaching Jobs. Our platform combines genuine customer service with advanced AI technology, making the recruitment experience efficient and enjoyable.Experience a new way of recruiting that reconnects you with the best teaching minds worldwide.
Affordable Access to Elite Talent
Access thousands of top teachers without the high costs. We offer the most affordable job listing fees, paired with a comprehensive talent pool. Meaning better results with an exceptional recruiter experience.